Main Street


Each year, thanks to private donations, the Viroqua Chamber hangs beautiful flower baskets throughout the downtown area. It is with the generous support of our local businesses, service organizations and individuals that the flower basket project continues to be such a success.

In this year of road construction and changes downtown, we would love your support beautifying downtown more than ever!

With a $60 contribution, you can sponsor a colorful flower basket on Main Street in the name of a loved one as a gift, a business to support downtown, or as a memorial. A list of our sponsors will be published along with names of honored loved ones. Flower basket sponsorships may be shared, so partner with a friend to support Viroqua’s beautification!

Please fill out the form online or download the PDF and send your payment to the Viroqua Chamber by May 20th, 2025:

Viroqua Chamber
220 S Main Street
Viroqua, WI 54665


Flower Baskets 2024
I will send a check to the Viroqua Chamber for...
Viroqua Chamber